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Career tests help you find a gold mine!

career awareness career choices career exploration career planning career tests college search occupational research

What is the role of career tests? 

Career tests -

  1. Build awareness, knowledge and understanding of our strengths and interests

  2. Help you set goals for future careers or degree programs

  3. Take inventory of the abilities and skills that you can offer to an employer


There are two types of career tests -

  • Online career tests
  • Career guidance systems

The best printed career tests are -

  • Self Directed Search
    PIC Interest Survey (For Children)

The best online career tests are -

  • Self Directed Search (Internet or Mobile Version)
  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator
  • Strong Interest Inventory
  • Explore Career and College Majors

The My Career Profile is a career guidance system because it has career tests, occupational research database, and a college search database.

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