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10 Top Career Exploration Tips

career career awareness career choices career exploration career planning career test career tests careers college college major college search database holland codes interest occupational research personality planning

for Selecting the Right Career Assessment or Test

Tip 1:  Decide the type of career test that you are interested in!

Are you interested in just a printed or online career test?


After taking the career test will you be satisfied with just a career list, or are you looking for more?

Tip 2: Look at a Career Test Rating Chart!

The Test Rating System is -

UU= somewhat useful    UUU = very useful    UUUU = extremely useful

Tip 3: Complete Career Test Checklist.

Instructions: Use the Career Test Checklist to gather the information about career tests.

Format: (Place an "X" to the right of the format of the test.)
Format answers the question how do you take the career test?

•    Printed:       
•    On-line:     
•    Download, Other (Please specify:     )

Tip 4: Understand the three career planning steps.

•    Discover who you really are and understand your likes, dislikes, and interests.
•    Match your likes, interests, skills, and personality styles to careers.

Tip 5: Focus on identifying your strengths.

You become aware of, know, and identify your –

•    Holland Vocational interests
•    Abilities
•    Skills
•    Values
•    Occupations
•    College Majors

Tip 6: Build awareness of your Holland Personality Types/Codes.
The Holland Interest Areas or Codes are –

•    Realistic
•    Investigative
•    Artistic
•    Social
•    Enterprising
•    Conventional

Tip 7: Research potential careers!

During Step 2 Educational and Occupational Exploration,

•    Perform career research.
•    Identify potential careers.
•    Begin narrowing career options.

Tip 8: Gather information about training programs and colleges!


In Step 3 College Major Exploration

•    Discover possible college majors or training programs
•    Create strategies to put plans into action

Tip 9: Learn about our best, comprehensive, validated, reliable printed or online tests and tools!

The catalog has information about –

•    Printed career tests
•    Online career tests
•    Other career resources

Tip 10: We have a variety of networks to share career information!

Here are ways to connect and share ideas with us.

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